Thursday, November 22, 2007

R685 Week 12 Reflection

Week 12. Podcasting, Coursecasting, and Online Language Learning

This week we had a guest speaker Dr. Valerie O'Loughlin who is an Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology. She came to demonstrate her Human Embryology Animations which were very good. However, she was not there to teach the lesson she was there to ask for help. There are assessment issues with the sites and she wants to better to evaluate how her sites are affecting learning. The tools she has now are mediocre at most. I think this is the divide I was talking about in my previous post and what Dr. Bonk was saying, other fields are asking for out assistance and we should be jumping on the chance. The web is for learning and, of course, education should lead the way. Hey other field thinks so too, that is why they ask. However, if we do not assist they will 1) figure it out themselves, or 2) ask someone in computer science or informatics that does not have the background to do insightful evaluation (sorry but it is true). My evaluation class is next semester maybe we can help.

The best article of the week was the whitepaper by Ashley Deal. It was an interesting article talking about how podcasting is being used to record lectures. I think the article is right that it “extends education rather than assists learning.” More people are able to participate or review but do not necessarily assist in learning or collaboration. This was affirmed by Cara Lanes article which I think was a mandated review because she even admitted she did not have a proper sample size. However, what was interesting was there was a concern kids would skip class more if they knew it was being podcasted but there was not evidence. Also, people listen to podcasts mostly on their computer they do not download them to the player taking one of the prime selling points out of the equation.

Judith Boettcher’s article discussed how universities are using podcasts and mp3 players to assist in the school. Finally, but definitely not least is Scott Carlson who decided to lifelog by recording everything, he even wore a sign around his neck stating that he was recording. The key point is “what’s the point” reviewing them in the future could be nostalgic but that’s about it. I say get rid of them Mr. Carlson.

The tidbit asks; where is the podcasting revolution? Good question Ms. Holahan.

Deal, Ashley (2007, June). Podcasting. A Teaching With Technology White Paper. Educause. Retrieved July 5, 2007, from

Carlson, Scott (2007, February 9). On the record, all the time: Researchers digitally capture the daily flow of life. Should they? Chronicle of Higher Education, Retrieved July 4, 2007, from

Boettcher, Judith (2007, July). iPod stands for: Absorb, engage, and matter! Campus Technology, Retrieved July 4, 2007, from

Lane, Cara (2006). UW podcasting: Evalution of Year One. Retrieved July 10, 2007, from


Holahan, Catherine (2006, November). What podcasting revolution? Business Week. Retrieved July 4, 2007, from


Yichun's BLOG in IST, IUB said...
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Yichun's BLOG in IST, IUB said...

I agree with the points and summary you made. I agree with what you said, podcasting extends education rather than assists learning in particular. However, I am not that sure about the point you mentioned about people in the computer science and informatics. You said “someone in computer science or informatics that does not have the background to do insightful evaluation (sorry but it is true).” Why do you think so and how do you define “insightful”? I am just curious because in my knowledge, I remember someone told me that there has evaluation in the two areas you talked about.